In the beginning I like
to assure that , there is a
great potential on sharing our personal TEDx story, and how it affected in our
life , We can create a human collage of our own experiences and anecdotes , so
my TEDx story began when i watched Wafa Alamin Talk , it was about ( positive thinking) at TEDxYouth@Khartoum 2011 on the internet , it
was so stimulated and encouraged , I had such a great support for free , which
led me to attend.
TEDxyouth@Khartoum 2012 , it was really awesome to see things
being shared that was really new for most of the attendees or topics that were
being neglected by main stream media , I felt energized and proud of my people
and that changes were happening in my country , and all that inspired me to take a step forward and join
the TEDxKhartoum 2013 team , it was so beautiful feeling .
In TEDxKhartoum team i was a
part of the book team , i found an amazing people , creative guys , with opened mind ,
dreaming to change this situation , most of
TEDxkhartoum team was young with
high power , looking for better future ,
strong and good people are working everyday
to do wonderful things , TEDx
Khartoum team impacted my life in such a way that made me a
part of it , really it was my greatest and most shining days .
Although I was very sad because
our event was shut down by
, Even though I was really so sad for
that case , but during that darkest moments the team said that : we must focus to see the light , so we saw the light
comes through the TEDx platform , we going to stand up for our rights , we are
strong enough , still we can do it , we will flow our dream , our passion , looking for a best future for our sudan , yes
we can .
مدون ومستشار للسوشيال ميديا والمحتوى الرقمي ، عضو شبكة مدونون سودانيون بلاحدود وشبكة مدونات عربية، نشرت كتاباته في عدد من الصحف والمجلات السودانية، وله مساهمات في عدد من المواقع والمجلات الإلكترونية العربية والعالمية، مهتم بالإعلام الرقمي ،الفنون والحراك الثقافي المستقل.
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